Apply Now for Colmcille Projects Scheme A (2024 Projects)
09 Oct 2023

Foras na Gaeilge provides funding through the Colmcille Projects Scheme to help applicants foster a relationship between Scottish and Irish Gaelic language communities and to strengthen Scottish and Irish Gaelic through this relationship.
- Projects which will add to these strategic themes outlined in the Colmcille Strategy:
– The arts and media
– Heritage, environment and cultural tourism
– Youth
– Learning of Irish and Scottish Gaelic
– Language planning, partnership and community development - Initiative planning with a partner in Scotland, or in Ireland if the applicant is a partner in Scotland
- Simultaneous translation or other arrangements, if appropriate, so that Irish and Scottish Gaelic can be used at the same event
- Workshops or training
- Travel, accommodation, subsistence and fees necessary to complete the project and which demonstrate value for money
- Any other activity which would be necessary in the opinion of Foras na Gaeilge and agreed in advance with Foras na Gaeilge.
Applications for projects taking place in 2024 should be made under Scéim Tionscadal Colmcille A (Round 1).
Deadline 20 October 2023.
Learn more and apply here: